Burial Insurance For Seniors With No Exam – Ultimate Guide [2025]

In this post, I will discuss a very difficult to think about yet very specific life insurance product. No exam, burial insurance for seniors. In more recent years it has been also called Final Expense Insurance. We will use both those product names in this article interchangeably.

Senior burial insurance is designed on a whole life insurance platform. The price is locked for as long as you pay on the policy. A burial insurance is based on whole life insurance and therefore, a lifelong policy. These plans are most applicable for consumers who may have less than perfect health and need a small amount of lifetime financial coverage. Policy amounts up to $50,000 do not require a medical exam which makes for a very simple and quick application process.  Upon actual application, medical approval could be given in minutes or less.

Key point to remember…

If you believe you need affordable burial insurance without any health questions for any reason, make sure you talk with an experienced independent agent or broker before purchasing. The wrong policy can have a devastating effect not only on your pocketbook but leave your family without the protection or monies you want them to have. No medical/health history questions = 2 or 3 year waiting period for full benefits. Colonial Penn’s 995 plan is a very overpriced example of this.


Because the insurance company knows very little about the risk they are taking without asking health history questions. A 65 year old male in good health is likely to live longer than a 65 year old male who is struggling with very poor health. Without health history questioning, the insurer must assume you are a high risk life insurance candidate.

Don’t assume you won’t qualify for affordable burial insurance because you have a medical history that is a bit rocky. Finding the best burial insurance rates for you should include assessment by a life insurance professional who knows the industry and which company will offer you the best coverage and pricing.

Depending on the type whole life insurance for the elderly selected could mean either first day, full benefits or the first 2 or 3 years of coverage with policy limitations (a waiting period) written into the policy.

This is not always clear to life insurance consumers and why you need to engage an independent agent/broker. Find someone who can shop for the best coverage and value based on your age and health profile.

Comparing true, apples to apples is always warranted when purchasing any life insurance for seniors needs.

Burial insurance policies have typical death benefit amounts from about $3,000 to more than $50,000.  Appropriate policies should only be based on permanent life insurance to avoid unintended expiration and guarantee level premiums for life. No one wants to find their deceased loved one’s policy expired in a drawer!

Affordable burial insurance plans for seniors are straight forward and easy to apply for.  This is one of a reasons they are typically based on whole life insurance.

The most common, non-expiring form of permanent life insurance, is whole life insurance. It is also the most dependable life insurance for seniors. On this page, we are providing an instant quoting tool. You can use this to shop for the most competitive burial insurance rates for anyone to and including age 90. Compare your general health to your peers as you use the quoting tool. Most people can select “Excellent” health.

Burial Insurance With No Exam

Be aware…

Finding one of the best burial insurance policies out there can be confusing and even frustrating, particularly if you have a serious medical condition.  Homes are flooded with TV commercials and mailers advertising “affordable” life insurance. Unfortunately, burial insurance for seniors is not “$9.95 a month” typically because of advanced age, health and coverage needs. Confusing ads may even include high paid spokespeople who tell you you can’t be turned down do to your health, guaranteed acceptance. Guaranteed Acceptance whole life is designed for people who are in very poor health for their age and/or very high risk applicants. Do not assume you need this type of coverage. This should only be determined by a licensed burial insurance expert who works with a lot of different life insurance companies and has the experience to sort this out for you.

As a consumer of any life insurance, be aware of the standard mail pieces that entice you to buy coverage direct from a particular insurance company. Most of the time, it is probably not in your family’s best interest and you are likely to get “ripped off.” This “direct” marketing is a way to enticing you not to speak with a independent professional who will be able to share several options with you, save you money and place your insurance protection with other companies with the same or better coverage and benefits.

Be selective who you are dealing with ladies and gentleman. These ads come from less than a handful of insurers who bank on you not doing your due diligence!!

It is good that you are doing your own investigation right now.

Know your best options for coverage and value.

With that all said, these are key features of no exam, level benefit, affordable coverage seniors can depend on:

  • Monthly premium cost that will never increase. Burial insurance rates are locked for your lifetime.
  • No medical examinations required to qualify. Very fast, if not immediate approval for coverage.
  • Permanent policy.  You will not outlive the benefit payout.
  • The death benefit to the beneficiary is guaranteed to never decrease provided the policy owner does their part
  • The full benefits are available upon your your first payment to the last.  No waiting periods (2 or 3 years) for full benefits (guaranteed acceptance life insurance policies).

The way your family benefits requires you make a firm commitment to keep the selected (monthly, annual, etc.) payments up.  Insurance companies make huge profits over time with people not keeping the coverage in force for the duration of the contract.


Never take out a burial or funeral insurance policy unless you are comfortable with paying the premium down the road. Unlike a homeowner policy or renters insurance, in which you may never file a claim, we all know our final day will come. Unlike other insurances, your whole life burial insurance will be paying out cash to those you love the most.   The only one who benefits if you drop the burial policy is the life insurance company!  How does that help you or your loved ones?  Make the personal commitment first before you buy any coverage.

How To Put Burial Insurance For Seniors To Work For Your Family

According to the NFDA (National Funeral Directors Association), the average cost of a funeral nationwide is about $8755 as of 2017. These costs are clearly on the rise so it is more important than ever to have a plan in place to take care of those we care about the most.

Like any life insurance policy, burial life insurance is a legal binding policy stating the insurance company will pay the named beneficiary(s) a specific death benefit upon the loss of life of the insured individual.

You may take the burial policy to any funeral home to plan a funeral if you would like. You can request the estimate to be printed for you. We recommend that you do not discuss the amount of coverage your have at that time. Once complete, the director will attach your planned arrangements to the policy so when end of life has come, it is clear to your beneficiary as to what your final wishes are.  You have now completed all the funeral planning upfront and the policy will deliver the funds to carry out your wishes.

Upon loss of life, your beneficiary simply takes your policy to the funeral home. Once total funeral costs are calculated, the funeral director will ask how they will be paying today. Your beneficiary will then hand over the policy which will be verified at that time with the insurance company. The funeral home will then require “assignment” for the cost of the funeral arrangements that were made. Your beneficiary will sign the funeral home’s completed assignment form. From there, it will be sent by the funeral home to the life insurance company for payment and yes, the insurance company will be sending this money directly to them. Any and all remaining monies will be sent to your beneficiary separately.

Be sure to provide all requested information regarding your loved ones so that monies do not go thru probate.  A properly named beneficiary will bypass probate and insures that your loved ones will have the funds promptly at the time of need.  A good life insurance agent should make sure all necessary information is gathered and recorded to avoid problems down the road.

How Can The Policy Benefits Be Used?

None of these funds must be used for burial and funeral/cremation expenses. A burial insurance policy benefits will ensure money is available for your loved ones at a very stressful time in their life. The benefits can be used for any purpose you intend them for. Maybe you want to leave something behind for your grandchildren, the church, final medical or credit card bills. Other common uses, supporting a spouse who will be losing a social security check once you have passed away. The tax free money from these policies can do so much for your loved ones, when you’re no longer here.

Entering 2025, the cost of a funeral and burial are close to $10,000 nationally. The cost in your area may be a bit higher or lower than $10,000 with an apples to apples comparison.

Anything remaining monies from your policy benefits after their expenses can be kept by your family/beneficiary(s) to help in adjustment from their loss. Depending on their relationship to you, they may need “extra funds” to move on with their life.

Of course, no amount of money will ever replace a life, but most of the people I speak with regularly to not want leave a large financial crater behind and why they called us to purchase a policy in the first place.

Example: Say you purchased a typical $20,000 final expense, burial insurance policy.  Now, let’s assume that the full cost of your funeral, plot and headstone totaled $15,000.  The remaining $5,000 can be used for any other purpose your loved one’s believe to be appropriate.

Sometimes a larger or even more than one policy is purchased to help create an additional financial legacy/inheritance.  Remaining funds after the outstanding expenses for burial can be passed on to specific loved ones. $50K policies with no exam and first day, whole life coverage are available. Depending upon your age, larger policy amounts can be obtained but that is beyond the scope of this article. Please call 269-244-3420 for assistance.

Burial Insurance Plans And the 4 Rating Classifications

The 4 options that are available are determined by your general health and the answers to the health questions on the application.  Each life insurance company will have some differences in how they question their applicants to apply their specific “rating” to your health respective of you being a senior citizen.

Simplified issue policies like these are meant to be senior friendly.  It is expected that your not in the same health as your were at age 25.

A typical burial policy will qualify you based on your honest answers to the specific health questions contained in the application.  Life Insurance companies have differences among their questioning.  Be sure you find a professional that can shop your case for you so you are not overcharged.

Answering “yes” to a typical health question on a burial insurance application will move you up to a higher rated class.  Again, be sure to be totally honest.  Do not sugarcoat anything.  Everything is investigated by the insurance carrier.

  1.  Level or “Preferred” Benefits:  You are able to answer “no” to all of the insurers health questions.  You are covered for the full death benefit from day 1 and pay the lowest premium the life insurance company offers for a simplified burial policy.
  2. Graded Benefit Policy:  This is a popular plan for those seniors that have a more significant, but not fatal health condition.  It is the middle of rating classes but is quite different than Level Benefits.  With a Graded policy, the first two years of coverage have reduced benefits.  If natural death occurs during the “graded” period, the life insurance company will return a significant percentage of the full death benefit.  After the 2 year “Graded” period, the policy will pay out the full benefit amount to the beneficiary.
  3. Modified Policy:  This is an upper risk category for applicants in questionable senior health.  These policies also have limited benefits the first couple of years.  What this all translates into is return of all paid premiums plus interest if death occurs during that time.    We sometimes recommend that you avoid these policies.  Often times, they cost more than the next category and just don’t make any financial sense.  Don’t get overcharged.
  4. Guaranteed Issue (Acceptance) Policy:  These are the savior policies for those with a very, very tough to insure health condition(s).  This is high risk life insurance in pure form.  There are NO health questions to qualify for and it is designed for people that cannot qualify medically.  They are “Return of Premium (ROP)”+ an interest factor” the first couple of years if natural death occurs. The full benefits for natural death are not available until the policy goes thru a “limited benefit” period, a couple years. Typical interest is 10% in 2023. After that waiting or limited benefit period expires, full benefits will be paid out. The 2-3 year period varies from carrier to carrier if they offer a guaranteed acceptance policy.

If you would like to see if you qualify for the best burial insurance rates on a policy that includes full, immediate coverage, go through these health questions. No worries if you answer “yes” to a question, this is just one company’s questionaire for their lowest cost burial insurance product with first day coverage. To find the best burial insurance rates on the market use the instant, no exam whole life quoting tool on this page to shop the most competitive companies. Be sure to select “excellent health” if your health is pretty good for your age. If your not sure, we suggest giving us a call so we can guide you to the right company who may be able to approve serious conditions like Congestive Heart Failure, COPD, stroke, cancer etc.

It is worth mentioning that all 4 types of final expense life insurance pay full benefits for accidental death from day 1 of coverage.

While no medical exam is needed, no insurance company will issue an immediate, full benefit life insurance policy without medically underwriting your application (health questions). Health history questions are all part of best policies. There are no exceptions to this rule with ANY insurer.

Guaranteed issue whole life insurance has a waiting period to protect the insurance company from very high risk situations. You must make it through this period before the policy will entitle your beneficiary to full benefits of the policy. 


The life insurance company is operating with little to no information about you.  Gauging you as a risk is tough as a result.  They apply a higher premium and waiting period to offset this risk.

If during the waiting period natural death occurs, the beneficiary of the policy will receive a return of premiums (ROP) which is a refund of all premiums paid plus a typical 7-10% interest rate compounded annually. The waiting/limited benefit period and interest will depend upon the insurance company’s written terms in the policy.

Who is Eligible to Apply For Coverage?

Anyone up thru age 90 may apply. If you are looking into burial insurance for seniors over 80, this next post is best for you.

Whether you will be accepted depends on:

  • Your health.  The best plans with the lowest burial insurance rates will require you to qualify based on your current health.  However, there are higher priced, no health question policies offered as well.
  • Your Age.  Some plans are not available to certain age groups. This varies from company to company.
  • Your State of Residence.  Most insurers do not market coverage in every state.

If you are in the age bracket of 40-90 we can get you burial insurance coverage.  Outside of those ranges, we have to explore different options to see what is best for you.

Our team is very experienced at finding the best policy for even the toughest of health conditions.  It is a rarity if we are unable to secure a medically underwritten policy for our clients.  Roughly 85% of our clients have full, immediate benefits. Utilizing several different life insurance companies that specialize in burial insurance makes it possible to insure difficult cases.

Is there a difference between Burial Insurance For Seniors, Funeral Insurance or Final Expense Insurance Policies?

While the use of these terms may create confusion, any of the 3 policies can be designed with death benefits that will get the job done.  What they all do in the end is the same.  Personally, I tend to throw the terms Burial Policy and Final Expenses around a lot interchangeably.  Don’t get caught up in the marketing of the product.  Real burial insurance is built on dependable, whole life insurance for seniors, most often simplified issue whole life insurance (no exam).

Ladies and Gentleman… The Word of Warning

There are a few brand name companies out there aggressively marketing increasing price, term life insurance policies for burial and final expenses that actually expire!! Premiums go up every five years along the way towards expiration. The initial price can be enticing because it looks cheap. Well, until the price more than doubles in less than 10 years or expires on your 80th birthday.

If your looking for affordable burial insurance rates, make sure the product you purchase is based on whole life insurance. It all starts with choosing the right type of life insurance to meet the end goal for your family. Don’t get sucked into buying low tier term insurance. These are high profit life insurance policies that “claim” to be a final expense solution for seniors.

True level premium, term life insurance is quite difficult for most seniors to qualify for. It does lock the rate for 10, 20 or even 30 years depending on your age at application. A 70 year old will not be able to purchase a 20 or 30 year level premium term policy even if their health history is very good.

The long term cost for a senior becomes quite high over time buying the wrong type of life insurance. Your age will always work against you, even if your health is exceptional.

Term life insurance is certainly not the best burial insurance for seniors. I don’t care which insurance company’s name is on it and we do work with all the top carriers on the market. Wrong type of life insurance for final expense planning.

I have taken many calls from consumers asking for assistance with their life insurance. The story is often about a policy they bought from a flyer sent in the mail. Problems are always the same. Either the price keeps going up or it expired worthless in a drawer on their 80th birthday.

It is important to know that term life insurance is not for the inevitable loss of life. It is simply for the “what-ifs” that may occur. Term life insurance is designed for a defined period of time such as the length of a mortgage or raising a family etc.

Remember this…

The wrong life insurance policy benefits those who sell it, not you or your loved ones. 

Finding affordable coverage at 80 is more difficult. Fewer companies offer it and you must have have acceptable health to be approved for the best burial insurance rates with those carriers. It can be done, but many 80 year olds have more serious health issues reducing the likelihood of the best offer.  Guaranteed acceptance policies are available as mentioned earlier, but remember the 2 or 3 year “waiting period” before full benefits. You should also know, guaranteed acceptance burial policies are very, very expensive by that point of life.  

This is why you need to have an independent agent/broker who can shop the market on your behalf. Most seniors don’t have to settle for a policy that limits the protection and charges significantly more premium.

We do not ever recommend anything for final expenses other than permanent life insurance.

No Waiting Period Burial Insurance

Finding life insurance policy no waiting period is not hard to find. However, the key is your ability to qualify for the partiular policy you desire. While there is no medical exam for a level benefit whole life insurance policy with no waiting period, there will be health history questions and a review of your prescription history to see if you can medically qualify. Your independent life insurance agent/broker will need this information to make an optimal recommendation of which company and policy is the best value for you.

Now, final expense insurance does not require you to be in “excellent” health to obtain first day coverage. While certain insurance companies may not be able to make you a “no waiting period” offer due to health history, another one may accept your medical conditions(s) and issue you a first day, whole life insurance policy.

This highlights why it is important to speak with a very qualified pro who can obtain the right policy and carrier to match your personal situation.

The Best Burial Insurance Companies

Who has the best burial insurance for seniors?  Well, that is not a simple question to answer.  Knowing a little bit about your goals and health helps match you with the right company and product(s).

One of the challenges seniors face is having the time it takes to investigate and determine which burial insurance carrier will offer them the best rates. 

Remember this advice…there is no “best” insurance company.  Many times, people associate a recognized name with “best.”  Do not make that mistake.  What you are really looking for is the ideal product first and then determining its cost to see if it is a good solution for your family needs. It matters what your policy paperwork states.

There are many factors that go into determining the ideal life insurance company that are best left to working with an independent agent/broker who specializes in senior health and life issues.  They can quickly identify who may be your best option. 

For 2025, we have updated this list of the top insurance companies for people age 50-90. Two of the life insurance companies below have introduced brand new burial policies for 2025. Experience has shown a number of companies have made it a simpler process in very recent years to obtain burial coverage approval or have stood out in terms of customer satisfaction. However, other carriers not mentioned here, might offer a better value for your needs and goals. In some cases, we have witheld certain products because they require a bit better health than most of these. We’d like to reflect more of the whole life burial insurance that is available in this section without mentioning 2 dozen different carriers.

Since we are a large provider of life insurance to clients around the country, having a simple electronic application process, good customer service and affordability rank very high in this list. We have found that certain insurance companies really offer unmatched value to clients beyond just being affordable at look forward to updating our top burial insurance companies for 2025. We were disappointed to lose Prosperity Life the middle of last year. They left the life insurance business, unfortunately. They will still be servicing policies they sold prior to their corporate decision so no worries if you have one of their policies.

For your reference, here are the different companies that offer competitive burial insurance plans. Some of these carriers will be better for your than others. Depending on your overall health, you may or may not be eligibile. That is our job, to sort out who offers the best option for you. With that said, we’ve arranged them alphabetically.


AIG came out of nowhere in 2017 announcing their Guaranteed Issue Whole Life policy.  Burial insurance for seniors is available from the life insurance giant, American General with absolutely no health questions or medical exam required. As of 2023, these AIG policies are being offered by Corebridge Financial w/AIG underwriting the coverage.

This particular policy is for ages 50-80 and has coverage amounts available up to $25,000.  As is the the norm for any guaranteed issue life insurance, the coverage is limited initially and will return all premiums plus 10% if the insured dies in the first two years due to a natural death cause. Once the insured reaches the 25 month of ownership and paid their monthly premium, the full death benefit will be paid out to the policy beneficiary regardless of cause of death.  The person paying on the policy can be someone else other than the actual insured. 


For level, graded and modified death benefit burial policies, the American Americable Group of Companies offers permanent coverage with benefit amounts from $2000 all the way to $50,000 for standard whole life coverage with full immediate death benefit availability upon acceptance.  All policies build cash value and offer an terminal illness rider for policies of $25,000 and greater. We have found this carrier to be one the most competitve insurance companies to offer burial insurance with no waiting period for people 50-85 particularly if you are a tobacco user.


Foresters Financial logo

Foresters offers a competitive simplified issue burial policy which will require health questions to be answered, but there is no medical exam required.  Again, as a simplified issue plan, it is designed for seniors age 50-85.  Foresters health questions are quite liberal so often times they can offer coverage on standard rates versus a more expensive graded policy.  Even with the more liberal underwriting, Foresters can be very competitive on price and coverage for burial insurance with no waiting period. This is particularly true if you have more significant health issues. Maximum coverage is $35,000 to age 80 and $15,000 for age 81-85 at application time. This may be a good option if you have less than good health and have been declined by other carriers for very affordable, full 1st day protection.


Gerber is probably best known for its very competitive guaranteed issue whole life policy. Guaranteed issue whole life is burial insurance for seniors with a very high risk classification. Therefore, it suits individuals with very serious health issues and provides reasonable rates for the insurance policy. The application is done without any medical questions or exams.  Coverage is available for people age 50-80 with death benefits ranging from $5,000 to $25,000.  As with any guaranteed issue policy, the coverage is graded for the first 2 years.  If death occurs due to an accident, the policy will pay the full amount.  If the insured passes away due to natural causes during the first 2 years, the beneficiary(s) will receive all premiums paid plus 10%.  If your needs require a guaranteed issue policy, you can do a lot worse than Gerber Life. Please note, this is not a policy type for burial insurance with no waiting period.

Liberty Bankers Life

Liberty Bankers Life Insurance Company based out of Dallax TX is a insurance company very focused seniors. They offer final expense life insurance, single premium whole life insurance and Medicare Supplement Insurance. AM Best upgraded this carrier to “B++” in the last couple years. This means that they do have a very good financial report as well. We recommend their “SIMPL Whole Life Final Expense product as well as their Single Premium Whole Life Policy for those people who wish to build a legacy for their family. With SIMPL final expense plans there are “preferred” and a “standard” rate for full, first day coverage. What we also like about this carrier is their consistent placement, low premiums and very fair underwriting. They also consider applicants from age 18-80 up to $40,000 of coverage.

Mutual of Omaha

Here is another one of the big names out there in the life and health insurance business.  A Fortune 500 company at that.  Mutual of Omaha offers whole life burial polices for applicant ages 45-85.  Burial insurance in the amount of $2000-$40,000 is available on their standard simplified issue policy.  An accelerated benefits rider allows the policy owner a one time option to receive a large lump sum payment in the event of a terminal illness.  Mutual of Omaha has random phone interviews and prescription drug screening for their policies.  You should be prepared for a possible 20 minute conversation with someone in the underwriting department. Mutual of Omaha offers an excellent peace of mind combined with competitive rates for seniors looking for burial insurance.

Royal Neighbors

Royal Neighbors of America is a Fraternal Benefit Society that has been in business since 1895. What else makes them excellent for final expense insurance? Financially this company has a very good financial rating with A.M Best. Currently that rating is A-. Policies are offered in over 40 states across the country. The company has good underwriting that works very well for 90% of seniors. Our clients feel their customer service experiences have been among the best with the customer service of RNA and overall value. For example, RNA has a legal department that can help you prepare a will. This is a free service that all Royal Neighbors policyholders have access to. They are a top contender for the best burial insurance company for seniors.


You may not be familiar with this very well established life insurance company. Savings Bank Life Insurance of Massachusetts (SBLI) has been around since 1907. They have an excellent financial rating from A.M Best of an “A.” While they are not known for final expense life insurance, in 2023 they introduced arguably one of the best burial plans on the market in terms of value. Available with first day coverage and very low premiums for most people 50-85, true social security billing, you have a product that brings additional benefits with included Sequoia Funeral Concierge not found with the vast majority of burial insurance companies.


One of the most well known and highest, financially rated insurance carriers out there, Transamerica has provided life insurance coverage to people all across the country for well over 100 years.  Though the “power of the pyramid” is still their symbol, Transmerica is no longer headquartered in Transamerica Tower. The burial insurance pro’s of Transamerica? Well, they accept a lot of prescriptions and serious medical conditions that other carriers rate up or decline. Higher face amounts of $40,000 are readily available to many applicants. This is all available on very competively priced first day, level benefit whole life policy. On their FE Express Solutions product, they also include Everest Funeral Concierge. This is a very valuable addition that Transamerica will pay for and is a real help to your beneficiary when death occurs.

While we do work with several other companies not mentioned here, these are really the top carriers for 2025. Depending on your situation, one of these companies is probably your best solution.

How Much Does It Cost For Burial Life Insurance

There are a number a variables that would affect your rate.  With that said, your age, sex, age, tobacco use, death benefit amount, overall health will all impact the result.  

The best burial insurance quotes will alwyas be for medically underwritten policies.  The most affordable and best burial insurance with no waiting period will always have some health questions.

The easier a life insurance policy is to qualify for, the more expensive per thousand dollars of coverage you will pay. 

Remember this general rule. 

Policies with no health history questions on the application are absolutely the last resort. These are called guaranteed issue policies. 

These include such plans as Colonial Penn’s Guaranteed Acceptance Life Insurance

Health history qualification should be done with a reputable, independent agent who specializes in seniors and has access to a couple dozen life insurance companies.  You have everything to gain from this relationship.  See what you qualify for.

The largest majority seniors are able to get first day, immediate coverage even with multiple medical conditions. If you would like to see if you can qualify, here are some of the questions we use to prequalify our patrons for the best company and plan for their goals.

  1. Have you used tobacco or any nicotine products at all in the last 12 months? 
  2. What is your date of birth?
  3. What is your height and weight?
  4. Are you taking any prescription medications?  (Drug name and what is it for)
  5. Do you have any history of heart issues, cancer, stroke, kidney or liver diseases?  (If “yes” when was the last time you were treated?)   (If cancer, 2 or more occurrences?)
  6. How about any respiratory issues such as COPD, Emphysema or Asthma?  Any use of oxygen or inhalers?
  7. Do you have any pending testing results or surgery your doctor has advised
  8. Are you confined to a wheelchair due to disease and/or require assistance with activities of daily living? (If “yes”)
  • Do you take pills or use insulin?  (If insulin use, how old were you at that time?)
  • Any diabetic complications like Neuropathy, Retinopathy, Nephropathy, other?
  • Any amputations from diabetes, experienced a diabetic coma or insulin shock?

All insurance companies rate your health different. Your answers to these questions points us to the best value for your needs. While one company and plan may be good for your neighbor, it could be the wrong solution for you and get you a subpar offer or a decline. This basic health questioning helps the independent agent or broker find the best burial insurance policy for his/her client. He or she can sort out any life insurance companies that are not going to be a fit for you based on your answers.

Burial Insurance Plans For Seniors – The Conclusion

End of life planning would be so much simpler if we all had a crystal ball wouldn’t it? 

To ensure benefits for our loves ones, permanent insurance coverage is needed.  Be sure you are only working with a senior benefits specialist that can help you make a good decision that is best for you, not some insurance company pushing a very questionable term life insurance product. 

It costs you nothing to have the expertise of an independent agent who specializes in burial insurance for seniors. Let the professional sort out who is going to be able to offer you burial insurance with no waiting period rather than opting for guaranteed acceptance whole life which cannot provide immediate coverage.

Remember, to have “no waiting period” burial insurance, the application will have health questions. With no medical question applications, waiting periods are built into the policies to ensure the life insurance company is not accepting risks they are unable to insure otherwise. For example, someone who has a very serious case of cancer or has a terminal illness. With the right professional, most people looking for can find coverage without a waiting period.

Don’t get sucked into the teaser price of term insurance.  Your not going to save the money long term. The wrong decision could create a big financial nightmare for your loved ones if you outlive the coverage and pass away.  Life insurance only goes up in price…until you lock in the rates on a policy that offers a rate guarantee like whole life insurance.

Term insurance can expire when your family needs it the most.  Getting burial insurance in your 80’s will be considerably more expensive than in your 60’s and 70’s. 

Reputable agents and agencies will refuse to market low quality or inappropriate products to you all together. 

Don’t take a chance, do it right from the beginning.  Get the right product to meet the needs of those you love the most. 

Seniors burial insurance with no waiting period is our most requested product among whole life insurance shoppers. It is affordable, easy to apply for right over the phone and has a lifetime locked price and benefits.

You can simply start by using the instant quoting tool on this page labeled “Final Expense Life Insurance.”  Compare your health to your peers and you have a starting point to work from.

Feel free to contact us for help or have questions regarding burial insurance.  We’re here to help.  Phone or email are both fine, 269-244-3420. If you would like to leave a comment below, feel free.

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